Thesaurus maintenance with FIBLIO
FIBLIO is an application for thesaurus maintenance in combination with numerous classifiers as a basis for indexing publications and other objects.
Product solution FIBLIO
Thesaurus maintenance with FIBLIO
FIBLIO is an application for thesaurus maintenance in combination with numerous classifiers as a basis for indexing publications and other objects.
You can use the thesaurus to set a controlled vocabulary in hierarchical relations and equivalence relations for your areas of application. You can also reference various classifiers.
- Complete, centralised, clear and fast
- Web application is self-explanatory and easy to use
- No installation necessary at the workstation
- Data is stored centrally and changes are therefore immediately available to all users
- User-specific login
- Seamless change tracking
- Data security through access control
- Customer-specific programme extensions and adaptations possible
- Centralised data backup and therefore user-independent
- Personalised support from Dr. Ing. Wandrei GmbH
You can find detailed information about FIBLIO at:

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